Our projects

Energy Community in Sant Climent

This project will establish an Energy Community and manages a community-owned solar energy scheme in Sant Climent. It will be the first in Minorca and enable us to promote further replication in other parts of Menorca. Initially, the Sant Climent Energy Community will have an approximate capacity of 20 kWp, which will generate 29,000 kWh/year for around 12 participating families and companies.

Advisory Service on Electricity consumption and contracts

We work with individuals and companies to analyse their energy bills and evaluate ways to reduce their consumption and costs, and evaluate how to introduce greener and more sustainable practices. Write to us at info@coure.es for a consultation.

For people installing their own solar panels

We offer support to people and companies seeking to ensure the appropriate size of their solar panel installations, so that it is proportionate with the actual consumption needs. Our service covers:

  • Analysis of the current electricity consumption, with options on how to reduce the fixed element of the electricity bill (purchased capacity or potencia contratada).
  • Selection of a roof surface that’s suitable.
  • Calculation of the size of the photovoltaic installation, ensuring maximum savings with a minimum installation.
  • Work with the installation company so that the budget proposed is fair and takes into consideration market prices and the quality of materials.
  • Analysis of grants and tax benefits available.
  • Projections on future performance and savings.


The price of our service depends on the size of the installation, but we estimate between €110 and €250, a small amount compared with the savings that will be achieved through this service. Write to us at info@coure.es to discuss your plan.